On 9/23/17, John P. Rouillard <rouilj+fos...@cs.umb.edu> wrote:
> I am trying to find out when a line dissapeared from a file.

As of the latest version of Fossil (checked into trunk moments ago)
you can do this:

   fossil annotate $filename -r $oldversion -o trunk

$filename is the name of the file and $oldversion is some version
identifier (a label or a hash prefix) for a check-in that contains the
line that you are wondering about.  The "-o trunk" object is the new
magic.  The output shows first time each line of the file changes in
the sequence of check-ins going from $oldversion to trunk.  (You can,
of course, substitute some other version identifier for "trunk",
depending on your needs.)

Note that the first change to the line in question might not be the
specific change that deleted the line.  Instead it might just be an
edit of that line.  You might need to iterate the find the deletion
point, just as you would have to iterate to find the insertion point
for a line using an ordinary annotation.

The same feature is available for the /annotate webpage, except that
you use the "origin=trunk" query parameter.  You'll have to type in
the URL manually, as there is currently no hyperlink that provides the
"origin=" query parameter for you.

Example:  The line at
is missing from trunk.  To find out where it was deleted, use the
following URL:


D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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