I don't thing I've ever used any of these options.  They were added a long time 
ago for debugging purposes by one of our developers.  I'm in complete agreement 
with your proposal below.


> I'm considering removing from the schema functions from the 
> UI (Admin  > Database > Schema).  Does anyone use these?
> The UI allows the following functions:
> 1. export the current schema
> 2. apply a new schema
> 3. compare a core-schema.dat with the installed schema 4. 
> view the current schema
> I think 1 makes more sense as a stand alone utility since you 
> only do this either to generate a new release or for 
> developers to share a master schema that's being worked on.  
> Anyone see a reason to have this in the UI other than a 
> convenience for developers?
> I think 2 only makes sense in our install script or as a 
> stand alone utility for developers.  Having this wrapped up 
> in a plugin just makes it hard to use (IMHO).
> 3 is useful for developers.   I don't see end users using it.  When  
> you do a fo upgrade, there is no step where you compare the 
> new and old schemas and I doubt if anyone would want to anyway.
> I don't find 4 useful at all since it displays the schema in 
> a very hard to read, non common, format.
> So even though this isn't a high priority, since my head is 
> already wrapped around these functions it would be a good 
> time to do a cleanup and make life simpler (more productive) 
> for the developers.  My thoughts are:
> A.   move 1 & 2 from plugins to stand alone utilities
> B.   probably keep 3 but move it under the Help > Debug menu
> C.   remove 4 completely since there are better interfaces to 
> do this  
> (phppgadmin, pgadmin III)
> Comments?
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