Hello again Mike,
I realized after I sent you email yesterday that I failed to mention that the 
instructions for adding a license are for the bsam license analysis ONLY.  This 
method does not work for nomos license analysis.  As it turns out, the 
instructions for adding a license for nomos 
analysis<http://www.fossology.org/nomos> are a bit more complex and currently 
are incomplete.  :(  I need the expertise of one of our developers, however 
he's heads down trying to meet a deadline.  I'll do my best to get some 
guidance on a solution for you and reply either way later today.


From: Mike Kinghan [mailto:mi...@symbian.org]
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 1:29 AM
To: Laser, Mary
Cc: fossology@fossology.org
Subject: Re: [FOSSology] How to reschedule nomos license analysis?

Hi Mary,

These instructions work fine.

However I don't seem to have succeed in adding a new license to my analysis. I 
used the instructions here:


and I chose the method:


 1.  Place your file under /usr/local/share/fossology/agents/licenses/.

 1.  Run 'sudo fossinit'. The "..." sequence indicates that the licenses are 
being installed.
Specifically I created the folder 
/usr/local/share/fossology/agents/licenses/proprietary and placed in it a raw 
license text file called "Nokia Closed Copyright" which contains the text:

Copyright 2007 Nokia. All rights reserved.
This material, including documentation and any related computer
programs, is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia. All
rights are reserved. Copying, including reproducing, storing,
adapting or translating, any or all of this material requires the
prior written consent of Nokia. This material also contains
confidential information which may not be disclosed to others
without the prior written consent of Nokia.

I want to detect source files in the Symbian OS source tree from which this 
Nokia license has not been scrubbed.

The fossinit process reported 1 more license processed (361) than the initial 
install. However I notice that after fossinit, there do does not exist a "Nokia 
Closed Copyright.meta" file, whereas all the default raw licenses have matching 
.meta files

When I rescheduled the analysis, I expected the package to gain a Nomos License 
report-line for the "Nokia Closed Copyright" license, because I know there are 
matching files. But the rescheduled analysis ran in 0 time and did not report 
the new license.

I guess the process I have followed is not sufficient to register a new 
license? I also tried entering the license via License Admin -> Add License 
(which seems to be under construction). That operation reported the license 
added but resulted in nothing new appearing under 
/usr/local/share/fossology/agents/licenses/, and again made no difference when 
I reran the analysis.

Br, Mike

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