Hi Jeff,
It looks as though your postgresql db server configuration is 
incomplete/incorrect.  You must to edit the postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf 
config files to have a fully functional db for FOSSology BEFORE you try to 
install & configure FO.   There is a brief description of this in the 

(There is exhaustive online documentation for 
PostgreSQL<http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/index.html> install 
and configuration.)  The most important things are:

1.       the listen address in postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '*'

2.       client authentication configuration file (pg_hba.conf)
# IPv4 local connections:
#host    all         all          md5
host    all         all    md5

Restart the db server and try to connect to the db as user postgres:
postg...@mysys:~$ psql
Welcome to psql 8.3.12, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
       \h for help with SQL commands
       \? for help with psql commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit


If this is successful, try connecting as user fossy (password fossy).  If 
either of these fail, check the postgres log file for errors.


From: fossology-boun...@fossology.org [mailto:fossology-boun...@fossology.org] 
On Behalf Of jeff.mca...@bt.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 4:26 AM
To: fossology@fossology.org
Subject: [FOSSology] OEL Fossology install


Just tried to install Fossology onto an OEL instance ( OracleEnterpriseServer ) 
and cannot quite complete the activity. Has someone seen these error messages 
before ?

/etc/init.d/fossology start
Starting FOSSology job scheduler: Logfile failure: Permission denied
FATAL: Unable to log to logfile '/var/log/fossology'
Logfile failure: Permission denied
FATAL: Unable to log to logfile '/var/log/fossology'
[r...@rdl10366app02 init.d]#
Also tried to re-run the postinstall script ...below
[r...@rdl10366app02 init.d]# /usr/local/lib/fossology/fo-postinstall
*** Running postinstall for everything ***
*** Setting up the FOSSology database ***
psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"
ERROR: postgresql isn't running
*** Creating user and group ***
NOTE: user 'fossy' already exists, good.
*** Making sure needed dirs exist with right ownership/permissions ***
NOTE: Repository already exists at /srv/fossology/repository
NOTE: /srv/fossology/repository/localhost directory already exists
*** Checking database connectivity ***
ERROR: Unable to connect to the database
  Connection string: 'dbname=fossology host=localhost user=fossy password=fossy'
  Connection status: '1'
ERROR: Failed to open database
ERROR: unable to connect to database, please check 
[r...@rdl10366app02 init.d]#



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