FWIW, this problem with the delete agent is addressed in V 2.0.
There is another problem with the delete agent that is a bit more difficult.  
We store each file separately in the repository, so deleting say an iso with 2M 
files can take a while.  Until/unless we go to a different file storage scheme, 
perhaps saving the files in large blocks, this problem will be with us.

Bob Gobeille

On Aug 3, 2011, at 10:57 AM, Laser, Mary wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2011 8:22 PM
>> Subject: [FOSSology] DBaccess(7): ERROR: more than one row returned by
>> a subquery used as an expression
> This is VERY likely the cause.  Please do delete the uploads completely and 
> try again.  The delete must run to a successful completion before you try and 
> upload again.  Otherwise, you run the risk of having 2 uploads in your DB 
> with the same signature.
> Mary
>> Likely due to trying to delete a prior Upload of the RedHat test file
>> that threw a couple of FAILED agents.  Deleting these Uploads and
>> starting again is no big deal, I'm just familiarizing myself with
>> FOSSology.
>> Suggestions welcome!  (I'm not afraid of the command line.)

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