Hi Bob,

I followed your instructions but it doesn't seem to work.
I restarted the apache, did a "flush cache" in the fossology interface.
>From what I can tell, the license is fetched but there's no screen output?



From:   Bob Gobeille <bob.gobei...@hp.com>
To:     bob.lan...@smals.be
Cc:     fossology@fossology.org
Date:   10/08/2011 22:14
Subject:        list licenses on search

Hi Bob,
I went ahead and made a few quick changes so that when you search, the 
search results will display the file licenses.   I'll release a cleaned up 
version of this in v 2.0 but if you want to test it out I've attached the 
three modified files.  These go in directory WEBDIR.  To see the real 
WEBDIR path, login to fossology with admin privileges (user fossy is the 
default) then on the main menu choose Help > Debug > Global Variables.  It 
is probably /usr/share/fossology/www. 

Put the common- files in the "common" directory, and search.php in the 
"plugins" directory.  These will replace existing files so you might want 
to move the old versions into another directory in case these not well 
tested changes have bugs.  You need to move the old files out, not just 
rename them because otherwise you will get name collisions.

Bob Gobeille

[attachment "common-agents.php" deleted by Bob Lannoy/Smals] [attachment 
"common-dir.php" deleted by Bob Lannoy/Smals] [attachment "search.php" 
deleted by Bob Lannoy/Smals] 

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