I have been trying to run fo_nomos_license_list to run on my RHEL 6 system.  I 
receive the same error each time I try to run variations of the command.  No 
errors are written to fossology.log
fossy@oo95sw02 [/tmp]
$ fo_nomos_license_list -u 17 --username 'fossy'  --password '#######' > 
fossy@oo95sw02 [/tmp]
$ cat upload17.txt
FATAL: You should add '--username USERNAME' when running OR add 
'username=USERNA          ME' in ~/.fossology.rc before running.

fossy@oo95sw02 [/tmp]
$ fo_nomos_license_list -u 17 'username=fossy'  'password=##### '  > 
$ cat upload17.txt
FATAL: You should add '--username USERNAME' when running OR add 
'username=USERNAME' in ~/.fossology.rc before running.
fossy@oo95sw02 [/tmp]

Can someone help me with what the actual problem is since I believe the error 
is a generic one rather than specific to this issue.  Any help is appreciated.


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