
thanks for this questions.

In the SPDX document, for each file, there is for example:


FileName: zlib-1.2.8/inflate.c
SPDXID: SPDXRef-item9246
FileChecksum: SHA1: 5ede4b23d0e54bfb08fed005cb35dd7b11580081
FileChecksum: MD5: 46cb3a81ac3fa57789eba65cfecf754d
LicenseConcluded: Zlib
LicenseInfoInFile: LicenseRef-Zlib-possibility
FileCopyrightText: <text> Copyright (C) 1995-2012 Mark Adler </text>
so, the “LicenseInfoInFile” is what scanners find


and the shows “LicenseConcluded” what was concluded.

Concluded license entries are created in fossology by

a)      manual user decision

b)      bulk scan (matching distics licensing statements)

c)       reuse from previously analysed files

d)      auto decider when some conditions of scanner findings are met

In addition, you will have the opportunity to see more information by the 
document report for *office in a *.docx file. This was also introduced a new 
feature in 3.2 release candidate 1.

Does this answer help your question?

Kind regards, Michael

From: fossology-boun...@lists.fossology.org 
[mailto:fossology-boun...@lists.fossology.org] On Behalf Of Wonjae Park
Sent: Dienstag, 26. September 2017 10:30
To: fossol...@fossology.org
Subject: [FOSSology] How can I download "cleared" result?

First, I'd like to appreciate your hard work.
FOSSology really is helping my daily job very much.

I am still teaching my self how to use various functions of FOSSOlogy and now I 
got a question.
After finishing the "clearing", how can I get the "cleared" result?

I finished clearing for a OSS package and what I get from the "License List" or 
"License List Download" is the original scanner results.

Is there anyway to get the "cleared" result except download the SPDX report?

I'd be waiting for your reply.
Thank you for your time to check the issue in advance.

Best wishes.
fossology mailing list

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