2008/12/15 Ray Saintonge <sainto...@telus.net>:
> Thomas Dalton wrote:
>>> Yes, all states have laws. It is the content of those laws which
>>> determines whether or not the state is a free and open society. One
>>> may have a free and open society that is not an anarchy.
>> If the country has free and fair elections for its leaders then it is
>> a democracy. A law made by democratically elected leaders that doesn't
>> get in the way of free and fair elections cannot be undemocratic. Just
>> because you don't like the law doesn't mean a majority of the
>> electorate agrees with you.
> So it seems that you feel that the tyranny of the majority is
> justified.  California recently voted by a small majority to outlaw gay
> marriages.  When democracy is used that way to needlessly suppress the
> rights of the minority it puts doubts into its democratic credentials.

Democracy is the worst system of government - except for all the others.

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