2009/1/17 Marcus Buck <m...@marcusbuck.org>:
> On November 4 2003 Jimbo Wales announced, that 200 EUR were donated to
> register European domain names
> (<http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikipedia-l/2003-November/012981.html>).
> Did this ever happen? I wonder, cause as far as I know, many domains are
> still not registered by people affiliated with Wikimedia (.ru, .es,
> .co.uk, .it [.it at least redirects to Wikipedia]).
> If the 200 EUR were spent for domains: Which ones? If they were not: we
> should make up that and spend the earmarked donation (plus additional
> money if needed) to obtain those domains (and ideally all wikipedia.xx
> domains).

wikipedia.co.uk is apparently owned by Bomis, which seems a little
strange - wasn't everything transferred over to WMF?
wikimedia.co.uk is owned by James Forrester, a Wikimedian
wikipedia.org.uk is owned by Chris Brooking, a name I don't recognise
(and the domain appears to be dead)
wikimedia.org.uk is owned by James Forrester (and may be transferred
to Wikimedia UK - I believe we're waiting for a response for James on
that one)
The .net.uk names are apparently both registered, but have no site
attached to them and no name given.

I haven't checked other European domains, or the domains for other
projects, but it seems we aren't doing too badly in the UK.

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