2009/2/19 Nathan <nawr...@gmail.com>:
> Sometime in the past year I stopped posting the top posters list because it
> was seen as not useful and perhaps encouraging the type of behavior it was,
> in fact, meant to discourage. Even so, I thought I might post this special
> edition of top posters. The numbers come from Erik Zachte's list page, and
> sum posts for the top 25 posters from Jan 08 to Feb 09.
>  Thomas Dalton 753

That's the result of having to write a master's thesis!

Actually, I think that list is very positive - we have 25 people all
posting at least an average of 5 posts a day. That's a large, active
community. 753 emails is a frightening number (I don't know how I've
sent that many...) but as a proportion of total emails sent, it's not
that high. (I can't find the exact number of total posts - where is
this list page of which you speak?)

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