2009/2/22 River Tarnell <ri...@loreley.flyingparchment.org.uk>:
> Hash: SHA1
> hi,
> currently the dump process is a bit broken.  what is the Foundation's position
> on this?  why are developer resources allocated to put the server admin log on
> twitter, but no one has touched dumps in months?  is there not enough money to
> fund this?  how much more is needed?
> (for an example of a problem, there is *no* successful enwiki dump at all on
> download.wikimedia.org--the last 5 dumps, going back to 2008-03-12, all
> failed.)

According to Brion on wikitech-l nearly a month ago:

"[...] it's a software architecture issue. We'll restart [the enwiki
dump] with the new
arch when it's ready to go."

So I guess that means it is being worked on, but it doesn't seem to be
a high enough priority. This problem has been around for years now, it
should have been fixed a long time ago.

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