I realise, and beg of people not to actually believe I buy into this, but
when someone makes an accusation that someone is claiming to be a WMF
employee and claims that there is a conspiracy, I tend to bring it up. I beg
of people to not take me for an idiot.

- Chris

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 6:48 PM, Cary Bass <c...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Chris Down wrote:
> > Ipatrol has just came on IRC claiming that he has been told that
> > the WMF is hiring people to "validate" articles, and that the
> > foundation is doing it in secret by using thousands of IPs and
> > academics. He claims that the WMF has contracted colleges all
> > across the US have been recruiting academics to "validate"
> > articles, and states that admins are involved in this 'cabal', or
> > whatever.
> IRC is hardly a credible medium, and individuals frequently show up on
> various channels and make up things for whatever reason. "Trolling"
> is but one name for it. I suggest if it happens again, you look for
> one of the channel contacts and get more information. For example, a
> list of people with access to the #wikimedia channel can be found by
> typing:
> /msg ChanServ access #wikimedia list
> Admittedly, if you're a conspiracy theorist, it's reasonable to assume
> that whoever responds is part of the conspiracy...
> Cary
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