
When did this become an either-or proposition?

You go recruit retired professionals.  I'll go recruit young people.
Someone else can recruit soccer moms, and yet another person can go
after teachers.  Everybody wins.

The only way to lose is if either:

A) You believe one of these groups should not be participating in Wikipedia


B) You believe efforts to recruit professionals will actually
interfere with my efforts to recruit young people, etc.

If you believe A) then frankly I believe you are out of touch with the
ethos of the projects.  Different groups may need a different amount
of guidance before they are prepared to contribute, but there is no
group of people we should be categorically shutting out or

If you believe B) and somehow think that recruiting one group somehow
interferes with recruiting other groups, then I'd like to see an
explanation of that.  It seems unlikely in most cases.

Besides which, there are many things we can be doing (such as
improving the editing interface and documentation) that should widely
benefit most groups of potential new editors.

-Robert Rohde

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