stevertigo wrote:

It's a little late for this. Besides you didn't "killfile" the thread
(whatever that translates to in grown-up terms) - you
moderated/blocked me, and did so without serious or even sufficient
public notification. The seven-word private reply you gave me (quoted
below somewhere) was substandard, as far as explanations go.


Any emails to the mailing list with that subject line get auto deleted. And you can see, no email with that subject line has appeared since.

1) I did post on another topic. 2) Who is "we?" You? 3) A few hours
later is not acceptable, particularly in contexts where discussion
moves quickly.

2. I would supect "we" are the moderators of the mailing list.

3. That's what being under moderation means. Whether any particular person should be under moderation is a different argument.

Yes, and in that post I indicated I would not continue posting to that
thread on this list. Assuming your moderating me was valid in the
first place, you evaluated my post incorrectly - the evidence being
that its still has not been posted.

See above. A thread that has been "kill file'd" gets auto deleted. He or any other moderator can't post it even if they want to.


Experience is a good school but the fees are high.
    - Heinrich Heine

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