Sorry for going off-topic again in an off-topic thread of a really
interesting on-topic thread..

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 2:17 PM, Federico Leva (Nemo) <>wrote:

> Time: 1 s?
> If you don't count the probability that one gets stuck on Wikipedia for
hours on end reading fascinating articles on internet culture...

I think that using eloquent expressions, cultural references and
abbreviations (in the last week I have learned two new words for
"transparent") add to the style of conversation, which while a good thing in
itself has the downside that every time one has to Google an expression the
natural flow of the given thread is interrupted for them.
In addressing an international audience one should be aware that certain
expressions might divert the reader[1] and lead to the original message not
being received by the reader as intended.


[1] In case of kthx one might end up reading the The Fader fashion magazine,
which in a recent edition used the "kthx" expression. In the case of the
synonyms for transparent one could brush up on his reading of the English
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