wjhon...@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 6/26/2010 2:33:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> wiki-l...@phizz.demon.co.uk writes:
>> When service providers are lobbying to promote copyleft they are doing 
>> so in order muddy the copyright waters. The amount of copyleft material 
>> in the music world is, with the exception of promotional material, 
>> almost zero. When service providers start promoting free licenses to 
>> legislators they are doing so in order to undermine copyright within the 
>> online world. >>
> {fact}
> When I go to YouTube, the number of videos which are some bad amateur 
> singer trying to sing some good song far outweigh the number of original 
> videos 
> of that song/group.  The amount of free content in music, in general is 
> rapidly approaching or perhaps past par with all professional music ever 
> created 
> to this day.

Its not the 100s of bad renditions that are attracting the views and it 
isn't the bad renditions that people are visiting the site to listen 
too. Pay the ones that created the viewable ones or those that you can 
listen too.

Complaining about someone sitting in their bedroom badly strumming or 
singing a song is where copyright enforcement goes too far.

> It's the proliferation of the ability for any person in the world to make a 
> spontaneous video that has now completely swamped all previous video 
> content.

At best they put a slideshow of photos from flickr with a song from 
their favourite pop artist. Normally they have a photo of the album 
cover or publicity shot of the artist which shows for the duration of 
the song.

> When people start rapibly screaming that free licenses are just trying to 
> promote stealing, they just aren't getting it.
> The *point* of free licensing is to promote sharing, which is mostly 
> personal content, regardless of what some music lobbying group is trying to 
> make-up.

It isn't the free that is getting the views. There may be a huge amount 
of free material on youtube but its the 1% that happens to be under 
copyright that is getting the views and drawing the advertising revenue.

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