David Gerard wrote:
> On 12 November 2010 14:57, Ziko van Dijk wrote:
>> I just cannot imagine that Larry Sanger could bear to see his beloved
>> Citizendium on a Wikimedia server, among all that child pornography he
>> is supposing there.
> It's not his any more. (Part of their problem is that he micromanaged
> it so closely no-one else knew just how dire its financial situation
> was until just recently.) Though he still controls the domain name.
> This is part of why establishing the ownership of the name is
> important.
> - d.

This is an interesting point.
Citizendium, is much smaller than wikipedia but, would it run on one of
our virtual machines (like http://commons.prototype.wikimedia.org/) ?
If it needs

In any case, CZ custom code would need to be reviewed before running it
on WMF servers, and they should agree in having WMF tech update the code
that runs it.
Depending on the isolation level of the server, and wmf trust on their
techs, they might not have any direct server access during such time
(not that they couldn't update it, just that it would be proxied by
wikimedia techs).

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