On 4 December 2010 22:09, Pedro Sanchez <pdsanc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If WMF wanted to spend less money, the fundraiser would have much lower 
>> profile, right? :)
>> I somehow want us to think about our users and service as primary objective, 
>> not just organizational issues.
> When you budget 2 million for internet hosting, and 9 million for
> salaries and benefits, it's bound to raise some eyebrows, I think.

Only from people that don't realise what is involved in hosting a top
5 website. Just $9m on salaries and benefits? That's a drop in the
ocean compared to the money spent on salaries for other similar sized
sites, even if you exclude the salaries of people involved in their
content generation (which we obviously get for free).

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