On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 3:48 PM, Béria Lima <berial...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mani,
> A question: when you say that *"**Wikimedia chapters got the least
> favorable
> ratings (6.15) ... In addition, knowledge and involvement with chapters is
> low. 46% of respondents said that they didn’t know if there was a chapter
> in
> their country"*
> Are you counting everyone? People from places with Chapters and without
> chapters? Because that would be a bit strange if someone answer that they
> "know" there is a chapter in a country that does not have one.
> There are any results filtered by places with chapter only? Rate, knowlegle
> and involvement in chapter from places where there are actually a chapter?

Hi Mani

Its been more than a week. Do you mind answering any of these questions
above? I know people who are wondering about the same things in regard to
the chapters and the survey.


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