On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 2:44 AM, Andreas Kolbe <jayen...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> The English Wikipedia community, like any other, has always contained a wide 
> spectrum of opinion on such matters. We have seen this in the past, with long 
> discussions about contentious cases like the goatse image, or the Katzouras 
> photos. That is unlikely to ever change.
> But we do also subscribe to the principle of least astonishment. If the 
> average reader finds our image choices odd, or unexpectedly and needlessly 
> offensive, then we alienate a large part of our target audience, and may 
> indeed only attract an unnecessarily limited demographic as contributors.

You completely and utterly misrepresent what the principle of least
astonishment is supposed to address. It is a matter of where people
should be directed, when there are confliting disambiguation issues.
It doesn't refer to content issues in the slightest. Period. We don't
say you can read an article about X and not see pictures of X. That is

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen, ~ [[User:Cimon Avaro]]

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