Hey guys! As you've probably all come to expect, there'll be another office
hours session on the article feedback tool this week at 22:00 UTC (and yes,
I have checked :P). In attendance will be the full gamut of devs, managers
and technical specialists! Also me. It's deliberately scheduled to make it
possible for US east coasters to attend, so those of you who read
foundation-l and are interested in the AFT, please do come along (Risker,
I'm lookin' at you :P).

For those in Asia/Australasia, 3am UTC (you can check how that relates to
your timezones at
on Saturday will see an office hours session on the AFT aimed at you folk
;). It'll just be me, I'm afraid, but if you want to engage on the AFT,
have any suggestions, or just want to discuss it, you're welcome to attend

Oliver Keyes
Community Liason, Product Development
Wikimedia Foundation
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