On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Tom Morris <t...@tommorris.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 08:09, Möller, Carsten <c.moel...@wmco.de> wrote:
>> No, we need to harden the wall agaist all attacks by hammers, screwdrivers 
>> and drills.
>> We have consensus: Wikipedia should not be censored.
> You hold strong on that principle. Wikipedia should not be censored!
> Even if that censorship is something the user initiates, desires, and
> can turn off at any time, like AdBlock.
> Glad to see that Sue Gardner's warnings earlier in the debate that
> people don't get entrenched and fundamentalist but try to honestly and
> charitably see other people's points of view has been so well heeded.

The nub of the matter is that such an approach should be a two-way
street. There is no evidence that the filter-pushing lobby is making
even the most rudimentary good-faith effort at listening what the
other side is telling them. Just doing a lot of hand-waving and
misdirection. Case in point, ditching the idea of a "category
based filtering scheme" as if that particular bit was what
people were opposing. Not even close. There is still an
echo chamber aspect to the people who are driving filters.

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen, ~ [[User:Cimon Avaro]]

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