On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 10:26, Samuel Klein <meta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/2/12, Thomas Dalton <thomas.dal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> We're getting very off topic, but you are right that there is a problem
>> with dormant chapters. I know nothing about the Russian chapter, but I do
>> know how difficult it was to to get the first Wikimedia UK out of the way.
>> Perhaps the WMF board should ask ChapCom to advise them on what chapters
>> are inactive or insufficiently open. The board can then give them a year to
>> improve or hold new, open elections and remove their chapter status if they
>> don't.
> This was on the agenda of this weekend's Board meeting, and we plan to
> ask ChapCom for exactly this.
> This sort of feedback should be easy and frequent across the movement
> - not only chapters, but also the WMF, global committees, and other
> movement groups or major initiatives, would all benefit from regular
> self-assessment and feedback on their activity and transparency.

Note that the Board should discuss first with ChapCom about widening
its scope. As ChapCom we never discussed about the level activity of
*existing* chapters, as well as we don't gather such information.

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