
The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is looking for new members. If
you think you may be interested in volunteering, read on...

What does the Membership Committee do?
The main tasks are:
  * process membership applications
  * maintain the membership list
  * run the election for the Board of Directors each fall
  * maintain http://foundation.gnome.org

More informations are available at [1], and more generally at [2].

What are the main tasks of the new members?
The new members will help out with all of the tasks of the Committee.
One important task is to build the new infrastructure for handling all
the memberships: this new infrastructure will allow the Committee to be
more efficient for processing membership applications.

What are the attributes of a good candidate?
These tasks are not technical and do not require a lot of familiarity
with GNOME or the GNOME community. The main qualities needed are: spare
time, attention to detail and motivation!

If you are interested in joining the committee, please send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [3] with a few sentences about yourself
which may help us select the new members.


[2] http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/gnome-foundation/doc/
[3] Note that archives for the membership-committee mailing list are
publicly available.


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressÃs.

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