Minutes of the Board meeting 2005 Nov 16


  Following the result of the referendum the board size will be 7 in the


   Owen Taylor (chairing)
   Jody Goldberg
   Miguel de Icaza
   Tim Ney     (leaving after 30 mn)
   Daniel Veillard
   Murray Cumming
   Luis Villa
   Dave Neary
   Christian Schaller


   Jonathan Blandford
   Federico Mena-Quintero

Actions completed:

  ACTION: Murray to get getting privacy policy online
     - Done

  ACTION: Board members to add items to FoundationBoard_2fMoneyUses page
     - Done


  ACTION: Dave to start looking for vendors to host the GNOME online
     - ongoing

  ACTION: Owen will send out mail to full board requesting interest in 
          representing GNOME on LSB Desktop group
     - still open

New Action:

  ACTION: Owen to make up hiring plans and prepare the associated informations


 * Murray's idea of making FoundationBoard wiki page public
   - it was our workplace for the last year, most items were made public
     though the Minutes
   - we will try to get a public Board page

 * Tim's departure
   - Tim Ney has decided to leave the GNOME Foundation for other endeavors.
     Tim has  helped greatly in getting the GNOME Foundation off the ground
     and incorporated as a non-profit. He has played an essential role in
     fundraising and in organizing the GNOME conference GUADEC over the last
     4 years. Tim has consistently been a strong voice for free and open
     software in government around the globe. We thank him for the work he
     has put in on behalf of the GNOME project and wish him well in his new

     In light of Tim's departure, the GNOME Board has taken the decision
     to separate the administrative functions of the Executive Director
     position from the communication and organizational roles that have
     been attached to it and to look to fill these roles separately. We
     feel this will allow us to take better advantage of GNOME's strong
     international network of volunteers.

 * Any necessary election stuff.
   - to avoid any possible confusion that might result from Tim departure
     announcement, the board has asked the elections committee to extend
     nominations for candidates for next year's board open for another
     24 hours.

 * Moving forward on hiring someone in the part-time role:
   - we need someone based in the US to handle administrative functions
     for the GNOME foundation.
   - Owen will drive this process

 * next meeting Wed 30 November


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat http://redhat.com/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/
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