Joachim Noreiko wrote:

>>for the advance of computer users' freedom.
>What freedoms exactly?
>The computer users I know can't code. What are they
>going to with the source code they have the freedom to
>And free as in beer makes no difference to them: they
>either got their Windows XP with their Dell, or from a
>bloke they know with a CD burner.
>Freedoms that you can't exercise are meaningless.
   I know others have replied, both with solid arguments but
I thought I could point to at least one practicle value of free software
to the modern user as we know it. Lets just take open data formats
for example - free software ensures that data formats stay open
to a fine degree (since the source is always available to those
who implement the format) - this gives the user a choice:

  a.) Commercially encrypted MS word documents that dont amount
       to much in a reader that you didnt pay for, either upgrade your
       copy of MS word (at a price) in order to read the latest flavour of
       .doc that landed in your inbox (read more [1])... ofcourse theres
       the possibility of using some software that illegally reverse 
       the encrypted proprietary format.. but again, most probably 

  b.) they can use an open file format and then their rights as a
       consumer are protected, they are free to use any tool on the market
       to read and modify a said format.


[1] (wink)

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