Hi Telsa,

Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> Ar Fri, Dec 01, 2006 at 03:02:42PM +0100, ysgrifennodd Dave Neary:
>> The feeling of the board (a majority opinion, rather than unanimous) is
>> that the code of conduct would be more hurt than helped by being pushed
>> by us. Its adoption really needs to be bottom-up.
>> The issue is divisive, even within the board, and I don't think that we
>> can come out as a group and say "the board thinks we should do this" -
> Would it be possible to find out who felt which way? I can't see it
> in the minutes, and this is very much a deciding issue for me when it
> comes to voting for the new board.

We didn't vote, if that's what you mean.

I certainly don't mind repeating my personal feelings about it - I don't
think this is the kind of thing the board should be ruling on, but I
agree with the code of conduct, and have signed up to it.

Do you mind me asking whether this puts me in your bad books? :)


Dave Neary
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