On Fri, 2007-08-10 at 02:33 -0700, Andy Tai wrote:
> OK, simply, the stated reason for the extraordinary measure (face to
> face meeting timing) is not a strong one to justify touching the term
> limit of the board.

And why do you think so?  I totally understand that you may be against
extending the term of the current board.  That makes total sense, and
there's no consensus even at the board level.  But, what do you see so
in need of justification for extending the term of one board (the next
one) from 12 months to 17 months?  How can that affect the foundation in
a negative way?


> On 8/9/07, Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         The proposal is about doing something out of the ordinary
>         processes defined
>         by the bylaws -- that is why we are consulting the membership.
>         Rather than
>         point out that the situation is extraordinary, please tell us
>         your feelings 
>         or concerns about the proposal as a member.
>         - Jeff
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