I am personally much less interested in explanations for the past than
solutions for the future, which is why I have basically nominated
myself for the role in the next board. But there may be information
I'm lacking or options I'm not seeing, and I'd obviously be eager to
hear those.


On 11/9/07, Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Luis Villa wrote:
> > Since March of this year, I've been trying to help out on a variety of
> > miscellaneous Foundation-related legal projects- some important, some
> > not so much. All of these projects, for various reasons, stalled. When
> > I came back up to speed, I tried to revive them, but got blocked on
> > the two new legal-lists- in each case, I asked for status or for more
> > information, and got little information, or worse, complete silence.
> > As most of you know this is incredibly demotivating for a volunteer.
> ...
> > Very few board members were on the
> > lists, and the board expected the board's delegates to serve as a
> > conduit for this type of information. Unfortunately, for whatever
> > reasons, this did not happen, so the board as a whole was unaware of
> > my unanswered pings, and did not deserve some of the negative energy I
> > channeled in their direction.
> It seems appropriate that the board delegate to these lists explain
> themselves in the light of your mail.
> Cheers,
> Dave.
> --
> Dave Neary
> GNOME Foundation member
foundation-list mailing list

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