Vincent Untz posted our Mono policy yesterday, which states very clearly
    GNOME's stance on the issue. No part of the core platform can depend on
    Mono, and no part of the desktop suit can pick up a new Mono dependency
    without going through the module approval process again. A Mono
    dependency does not exclude an application from consideration as part of
    the GNOME desktop suite, or of any suite other than the core development

I think that's a good basic outline for the policy: there's no need
for GNOME to reject all C# programs entirely outside the core.  But I
think that when it considers them, it should not consider each one in
isolation.  It's important to keep an eye on the total amount of C#
usage too.  In effect, to ask, "How bad would it be if we had to drop
them all?"

The point is that we don't want to lead ourself into a position where
the idea of dropping all C# programs is so painful that we would be
tempted to do something more problematical to avoid it.
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