On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 6:37 AM, Murray Cumming <murr...@murrayc.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 2009-05-28 at 17:45 -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
> > That's exactly correct. Another term for it is 'volunteer'. :) You're
> > certainly welcome to volunteer to improve it yourself, of course.
> It's far beneath her abilities, but can't you delegate the
> minutes-taking to our paid employee?

I'm happy to take notes (and I have at a couple of the meetings), however
one of my goals is to not break anything that's working. i.e. not to take
over anything that was already working well.  (That is the reason I'm not
more involved with GUADEC. The GNOME community has been running GUADEC
fabulously for years, and you didn't need to hire me to work on it.)

That said, my job is to make sure things get done, and so I should have been
more proactive about reminding the board to publish the minutes. (We do have
minutes from all the meetings. After the meeting they are always sent around
for review. They just weren't always published.)

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