About the unpublished board meeting minutes.

The board is responsible.

It has been mentioned on this list a couple of times that people are
missing information from the board meetings.

Behdad as chairman of the board said:
"These are two different issues.  I believe I made it clear that:

   1) Minutes have been taken.

   2) We'll try to publish them before elections.

If minutes hadn't been taken we couldn't publish them now.  So while you
may reason that unpublished minutes are as good as no minutes, it's not
exactly like that since unpublished ones *can* be published now.


I find it serious that the board who is serving 18 months instead of 12
months has neglected to publish board meeting minutes over a long
period of time.

The Foundation Members can not be expected to take part of, or react on
missing information from The GNOME Foundation Board of Directors.

Remember that we have now 7 board members. Before we had 11 members of the

In case the missing minutes are not published before the elections
start, I will not vote for re-election of any of the present board members.

Other GNOME Foundation Members might feel the same way.

Please point us to the latest, and updated version og GNOME Foundation
bylaws. Which I hope all of us has read.

Can the candidates all confirm that they have read the Foundation bylaws?

Kind regards


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