On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 2:58 PM, Lefty (石鏡 ) <le...@shugendo.org> wrote:

> I speak as "part of GNOME", perhaps, but I don't speak _for_ GNOME. The
> distinction is critically important. "Speaking _for_ GNOME" is a job for
> Stormy and the Board, and those to whom they might choose to delegate that
> responsibility. My opinions don't reflect the views of anyone other than
> myself.
I disagree quite strongly.

All of you can speak for GNOME. All of you should represent and speak for
GNOME.[1] You all represent GNOME when you are out in the world.

Please go and spread the word and do a good job representing GNOME.


[1] And if you'd like to formally represent GNOME at a conference, please,
please do. See http://live.gnome.org/GnomeEvents/Speakers for opportunities.
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