
On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 04:35 -0600, Andrew Savory wrote:
> Hi,
> Focussing in on one area that I can talk about: Qt is perceived by some to be 
> stronger from a business perspective due to the 'more complete' offering: 
> extensive documentation and an SDK.

Shaun McCance and I were talking about this a couple of weeks ago. I'm
not trying to steal his thunder (and I hope he replies on list) but he
has spent a significant amount of time in the last couple of weeks and
has put together some thoughts around planning new Developer Docs on

> Perhaps more focus on and promotion of GNOME's developer tools/sdk offerings 
> would be a useful meta-goal for the coming year? Somehow enunciating the 
> proposition that you don't need to be an alpha-dog developer to get engaged 
> with GTK etc.
> For example, I only recently found out about Anjuta: it's presumably a fairly 
> important tool for people developing using GNOME technologies, but look at 
> the results at 
> http://www.google.com/search?q=anjuta&as_sitesearch=www.gnome.org (Yes, I 
> know there's a ton of stuff at library.gnome.org, I'm being devil's advocate 
> here ...)
> Andrew.

I agree some promotion on GNOME developer tools is a good idea.   There
is no question from a marketing / segmentation standpoint we serve
multiple groups, including users (focus this year on GNOME 3.0),
developers and others such as OEM partners, ISVs, etc.

But we have a chicken and the egg problem - we need to have the tools
and documentation ready, whether that's developer docs, code snippets,
before we do some promotion, in my opinion.

I've also been watching Jono Bacon drive a similar initiative within the
Ubuntu community around Opportunistic Development which has some
interesting parallels to this discussion.  (They're doing a whole week
of activities right now on this). [2]

[1] http://live.gnome.org/DocumentationProject/Planning/DeveloperDocs
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpportunisticDeveloperWeek


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