On 3/5/10 8:18 AM, "Ciaran O'Riordan" <cia...@member.fsf.org> wrote:
> "Lefty (石鏡 )" <le...@shugendo.org> writes:

>> the answer is [] not [] :avoid anything that runs on "a server".


> No one's suggested that.

"Let's not be in a rush to invite users to use servers -- even our own
-- instead of their own computers.  That is the _wrong direction to go_."
(Emphasis added.)

"Some services are SaaS and some are not.  The ones that aren't, don't pose
this problem, and it is ok to implement them using servers.  But even
in that case, _it's better to avoid the server_ if possible." (Emphasis

>> This "desktop good/web bad" thinking is terribly broad-brushed.

>Nobody's suggested that either.

See the above quotes. Also:

"If everything gets done inside or through your browser, it would make
toolkits such as GTK and desktop environments such as GNOME obsolete,
except as platforms for a browser."

"It is a bad idea to replace a program you can explicitly install on
your own machine -- and which you can therefore also decide not to
install -- with a program that either gets installed implicitly or
remains on a server outside your control."

For extra credit:

"...any time we consider developing software to work with a certain web
site, we should ask ourselves whether we want to single out that web site
for the special endorsement and promotion that is _implicit in releasing
such software_." (Emphasis added)

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