Attended the fantastic GNOME Marketing
Got there and back - on the way home we took a six hour detour - making it a
more than 24 hour trip home - and flew by the volcano. For something that
has caused so much trouble, it's not very impressive from an airplane.

Put together a survey after the hackfest for attendees in order to help the
GNOME Foundation and travel committee to make more informed decisions.

Attended board meetings. Met regularly with Rosanna. Met regularly with

Encouraged people to apply for the GNOME Board of Directors. Thanks to
everyone who applied. Although it's a lot of work, it's an interesting and
rewarding job!

Had GNOME Advisory Board meeting on finances.

Helped German update the budget. Discussed 2H (second half) budget plan.

Talked to Marina <> about launching the Outreach
Program for Women <> in the
southern hemisphere.

Worked with Orbitz to see if they have an account or processes that could
help the GNOME Travel Committee.

Continued to ping GUADEC <> sponsors and work out details.
Almost all finalized. Kept up on a few GUADEC details and issues, including
sponsored travel plans.

Met with Jonathan Markow from Jasig <> and discussed how
we do things and if there were opportunities to work together. Jasig makes
open source software projects for higher education.

Booked travel for most of my trips this summer. Still missing a few that
will be paid for by the events. Bummed that tickets to Europe are so
expensive this summer as it will make it much harder for us adn companies to
sponsor all the folks we'd like to see at GUADEC.

Submitted title and abstract for LinuxCon keynote.

Attended a couple of the GNOME.Asia planning meetings. It's coming along
nicely this year. You should plan on attending. :)

Met with James Vasile, our attorney from the SFLC, to talk about a few

Met with a few advisory board members to discuss projects, GUADEC, issues,

Met with a potential sponsor.

Pushed for a GNOME technologies roadmap process.

Put together the list of 2009
donors<> for
the Friends of GNOME <> page! Due to a Paypal
"feature" this was a very manual process. Thanks to Vincent Untz for posting
them. If your name should be there and it's missing, let me know. Thanks to
all our Friends both known and anonymous!

Kept the conversation moving about how best to use the Nokia money to
sponsor GNOME apps on Maemo/MeeGo.

Worked with Brian Cameron and the sys admin team to launch the GNOME
Developing World mailing
If you are interested in how we can promote GNOME, the free desktop, in the
developing world, please join the list.

Talked to AEGIS and the GNOME Accessibility team about having a GNOME A11y
Hackfest atAEGIS conference <>.

Changed Amazon Affiliate accounts to pay out less often as the international
checks cost quite a bit of money to deposit.

Worked at finding people to represent GNOME at events. It was more difficult
than I expected and after several conversations (including some at the
marketing hackfest) we will be launching a GNOME Ambassadors program to try
to improve this process and get better GNOME representation.

May 31st is a US holiday.

(Remembered why I normally do these weekly and not monthly! It's hard to go
back and remember all the things you did and discussed for an entire month.)
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