On 6/25/10 4:25 PM, "Joanmarie Diggs" <joanmarie.di...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree with this:
>> I also don't think the ending is appropriate: "These guidelines do not
>> constitute censorship since you have many other forums and
>> opportunities to say whatever you wish."

I pretty much agree with _you_. However, experience has shown that the very
first thing some people who want to avoid staying within guidelines will do
is cry "censorship".

It's incorrect, it's silly, it's inane, and for a variety of reasons, the
chief of which are cited in that section: you can go _someplace else_ and
say whatever you want, if you feel you must, and the guidelines won't allow
it. (I shudder, somewhat, to think what that might amount to, looking at the
guidelines again. "The Beloved Prophet, GNUhammed"? I _hope_ not.)

I'd be happy to see it moved to an "annotated version" or comments or
something, but I fear that without it, we'll be continually explaining to
people that "freedom of the press doesn't actually mean that _you're_ free
to use _my_ press as you see fit".

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