
Brian Cameron wrote:
>     * GNOME Trademarks
>           o TM can claim without formal registration
>           o Do we want a (R) registered trademark on the correct GNOME
>             foot / logo?
>           o GNOME foot (old) has a registered trademark
>           o French website
>                 + ACTION: Bastien to send the French website a
>                   follow-up email about GNOME Trademarks

Luis worked on "cleaning up" GNOME's trademark story around 2006-07 - it
would be worthwhile asking him the current situation, since he is the
one who took charge of the issue back then. As far as I know, we
registered the GNOME foot + wordmark in the US through Wilson Sonsini.

>     * Bastien - To contact some international banks for the possibility
>       of a US-based dual-currency account (probably will not work, as
>       Stormy already did research.

Just a data point: Louis Desjardins mentioned to me recently that he has
opened a CAD/USD/EUR account in Canada. I *guess* that international
bank transfer charges will still be expensive.

>     * Jorge - Check records of organizations with existing contracts to
>       use the GNOME trademark. Taken over from Vincent. Look at the
>       archives in 2005 and try to determine which companies can use the
>       GNOME trademark. Know what kind of contracts we had with them.

I can help fill in some gaps here - there's Killermundi, Hackerthreads,
a jewellery creator (although I think his license has lapsed now).

While I was on the board, I worked with James Vasile on a trademark
license contract, which should be part of the material the board has,
for that jeweller, and James tried to make something modular that could
be reused. That contract has no automatic renewal clause, and ran for an
X year term (X=2 is set in a prefix). I have the last revision we came
up with (Stormy should have it too, and it's in board-list archives).
Let me know if you want me to send it on.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
foundation-list mailing list

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