On Thu, 2011-07-28 at 23:09 +0800, Frederic Muller wrote:
> Hi!
> Thank you for the detailed updated report. I see a lot a red but can't 
> find the balance from 2010. Is the situation very worrying (-$107K or 
> -$105K end of September) or do we have a lot of cash?

Hi Fred,

The original plan (Proposed budget) includes some expenditures we did
not do last year and that were moved to this fiscal year.  For instance,
$50,000 on Mobile, ~$30,000 on Women's Outreach Program, ~$10,000 on
Marketing, ~$5,000 on a11y.  So, that explains the plan for the current
year to be "negative" (that you can see on the sheets 'Budget' and 'Real
+Proj').  You can compare it against the final budget for the last year

On the other hand, there are some red figures in the 'Waterfall' sheet.
In the case of 'Expenses' a red number means we have spent more planed
until June. In the case of 'Income', a red number means we have received
less than expected until June.

The 'Real+Proj' sheet shows what we have spent and what we expect for
the following months per item.  That said, we need to work on Friends of

Germán Póo-Caamaño

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