2012/5/20 Tobias Mueller <tobias...@gnome.org>:
> Name: Tobias Mueller
> EMail: tobias...@gnome.org
> Affiliation: None
> Summary:
> I am a Free Software enthusiast and GNOME activist for about 5 years
> now. I mainly worked in the Bugsquad and the Membership Committee.
> Now, I want to do something new and help making GNOME a successful Free
> Software project.
> I have experience with working with people, i.e. by organising events
> like a GNOME party, various booths at conferences or by hosting a
> (mid-size) conference at our university.
> I want to improve the Bylaws and the visibility of Teams within GNOME.
> Dear Foundation,
> I am sticking around GNOME for about 5 years now and while I enjoy being
> in the community I do want to progress within GNOME and take new
> responsibilities.
> For the last years, I was active in the Bugsquad, Membership and
> Elections Committee as well as helping GNOME to be represented at
> various events like FOSDEM. I did enjoy my work and I still do. However,
> I want to take up on something new and challenge myself with new duties.
> I am that type of person that corrects others when they say "open
> source" when they really mean Free Software. I very much like the idea
> of Free Software and I do believe that not having the freedoms
> guaranteed is bad. I also strongly believe that the freedoms GNOME
> provides are a great asset that we can be very proud of.
> While I don't have a concrete agenda, I do have issues that I want to
> see resolved. Most urgently, I see that the Bylaws need improvement.
> There are a lot of minor changes, i.e. typos and wrong references, to be
> made as well as big ones, i.e. how the election process is supposed to
> work. I sent comments to two boards starting over a year ago and I want
> to help resolving issues around our fundamental rules.
> Another field which I intend to work on are Teams within GNOME. I very
> much like the decentralized approach we take and I think we can make
> improvements on the visibility of the teams and their results, i.e. by
> making it more rewarding for both, the writers and the consumers, of the
> Quarterly Reports.
> Admittedly, I don't believe that a position in the board is really
> necessary to achieve these things. But it certainly is helpful.
> The reason why I sent my proposal rather late is, that I was (and
> actually still am) busy, besides my real life, preparing things for
> LinuxTag where we will have a GNOME booth. This, and the fact that I'll
> be attending GNOME.Asia, is the reason why I won't be available with all
> my brain power to answer questions on this list.
> Thanks,
>  Tobi
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Dear Tobias,

I believe you have the necessary experience from community side and
you are great as GNOME representative. This certainly I had reaffirmed
when I saw your participation in LinuxCon Brazil. Also I'm following
all your efforts in Europe to garantee that GNOME rocks!

Please keep your enthusiasm and looking for Latin America.

I wish you luck.

All my best,

Izabel Valverde
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