
so, now that GUADEC 2013 and 2014 have been announced[0], I can reply
to Dave's questions if I can. :-)

On 20 November 2012 14:11, Dave Neary <dne...@gnome.org> wrote:
>> == Completed Actions ==
>>   * Bastien to notify the Strasbourg bid of the selection for GUADEC 2014
> I haven't seen an announcement of this to guadec-list or foundation-list -
> is it official that Brno is the 2013 GUADEC location, and Strasbourg is the
> 2014 location now?

hopefully, it's now official. I made a mistake when cleaning up the
minutes from the private wiki page to the public one, and I ended up
missing this kind of critical piece. :-)

> If so, would it be possible/advisable to do as LCA does, and have some
> people from Strasbourg sitting on the organising committee for this year's
> GUADEC, to learn by observing the organisers what needs to be done?

it's definitely in the cards, and one of the reasons why we felt that
deciding and announcing both GUADEC editions together was important.
post-mortems and a better transition process between local teams (and
board members) it's an important topic; and I agree that LCA is a
great model to copy as well.


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