
= Minutes for Meeting of May 14th, 2013, 15:00 UTC =

== Next Meeting ==
 * Tuesday, May 28th, 2013, 15:00 UTC

== Attending ==
 * Emmanuele Bassi
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Bastien Nocera
 * Shaun !McCance
 * Andreas Nilsson
 * Seif Lotfy
 * Tobias Mueller
 * Karen Sandler

=== Regrets ===
 * Joanmarie Diggs

== Board Meeting Agenda ==
 * A11y work
  * We accepted a bid, now we want to get some publicity out
  * Karen wrote a contract based on the previous ones and sent it to
Igalia for signing
  * We should announce that the bid has been approved
  * We should have a better PR campaign when the work has been completed

 * Events

 * GUADEC 2013
  * Update on GUADEC 2013
   * Two keynotes finalized, remaining two are top priority
   * Final round of acceptance / rejection emails will be sent soon
   * Need to improve the web presence
   * When will we have the face to face Board and Advisory Board meeting
    * We shall ask the advisory board when they want to have it.
    * The board meeting is probably better to be had before the adboard meeting
   * What is the status of a contract for video services?
    * New contract has been updated after our recommendations
   * Letters of invitation for people needing Visa's.
    * Karen wanted to coordinate with Robert and Florian to make sure
that the right person send the letter of invitation to those who need
it. Has that been done?
    * Karen sent them a template, will update after the next GUADEC meeting

  * Upcoming "Boston Summit"
   * Karen wanted to reach out to people from Boston and Montreal to
see if they are interested in organizing it. Is anyone interested?
   * Montreal seem to have organizers selected

  * dotNET + GNOME Hackfest 2013:
   * David Nielsen sent an e-mail to the board asking for help with a
.NET GNOME 3 Hackfest in October.
   * They are talking with sponsors, but would appreciate help with
that from the board too.
   * Karen wanted to talk to potential sponsors. Has any sponsor returned yet?
   * They've already secured some corporate sponsorship but not having
much luck  finding additional sponsors
   * Budget estimate is USD 5000
   * The attendees are not all foundation members
   * The board would like to see an updated budget and proposal
   * '''ACTION''': Karen to send an email to David Nielsen for an
update on the dotNET hackfest proposal (done)

  * Other upcoming events
   * Marketing hackfest
    * Karen proposed a Marketing hackfest:
    * Do we approve the 4500 USD?
    * Karen is still waiting for an answer from SFLC to use their
space for the hackfest
    * There are various fallbacks in place
    * Updated budget to USD 5500 to cover eventual increased flight costs
    * '''VOTE''': Approve the marketing hackfest budget of USD 5500:
+1 Bastien, Tobi, Shaun, Seif, Emmanuele; Andreas abstains
     * '''ACTION''': Karen to notify marketing team regarding the
hackfest approval (done)

  *  Maps hackfest
   * Needs moving page to the right location
   * There is a venue
   * Only one person would require travel assistance

 * Evaluation of GNOME instance of Etherpad.
  * slow but better than Gobby which crashes
  * Andreas wanted to fix the wiki.

 * Adboard meeting
  * Our last adboard meeting was in early February, it's time to start
schedule the next one.
  * Suggested date is May 17th
   * Have we agreed on this now?
  * We need to create and send out an agenda. Potential topics are
   * Testing/OSTree
   * Karen wanted to reach out to Colin and ask if he wants to present
code testing in GNOME using OSTree. Has he responded yet?
    * Colin is prepared to participate.
   * GUADEC meeting schedule
   * Zareason
   * '''ACTION''': Karen to send the agenda for the adboard meeting
   * Potential future topics
    * User testing
    * Extensions

 * Annual Report
  * Andreas is currently working on picking up the designs
  * Close to completion

 * Accounting Software fundraiser for Free Software organizations.
  * Free  Software Conservancy are raising money to create a
accounting software  for free software organizations and wants a
endorsement from the GNOME  Foundation.
   * Still in the preliminary stages
   * Rosanna, Shaun and Karen wanted to write up a report of the
current pros and cons of GNUCash.

 * Travel Committee, Delegation, Budgets, etc.
  * Joanie put together her thoughts on the issue in a lenghty e-mail.
  * She also sent a shorter version of her proposal to the travel
commitee and board-list
  * Organizers should be responsible, but we still need somebody to
take point in talking with the organizers
  * Discussion continues on the mailing list

 * Collecting funds in Europe
  * Karen and Tobias are blocking to write a Memorandum Of Understanding

 * Sysadmin and CiviCRM update
  * Andrea has been sending updates for the sysadmin side
  * But it's a bit unclear for the CiviCRM side

== New Action Items ==
 * Karen to send an email to David Nielsen for an update on the dotNET
hackfest proposal (done)
 * Karen to notify marketing team regarding the hackfest approval (done)
 * Karen to send the agenda for the adboard meeting

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