hi Christophe;

On 15 August 2013 10:38, Christophe Fergeau <t...@gnome.org> wrote:
> 2013/8/15 Alberto Ruiz <ar...@gnome.org>:
>> Why did I choose github? Because that's where everybody is these days.
>> Because we have nothing to lose by mirroring our repos there and we
>> have a lot to gain.
> Promoting the non-free github while a free alternative exists
> (gitorious) is a big loss in my opinion.

in my experience (work-related and not), the amount of times Gitorious
is down, or immeasurably slow, are more than the times it's actually
serving Git repositories — so I wouldn't so readily position it as an
"alternative", free or otherwise.

also, if the goal here is to capture occasional contributors that
already have a GitHub presence, then having a clone on any other
service is pretty much pointless.


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