On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 5:03 , Andrea Veri <a...@gnome.org> wrote:
the GNOME Foundation Membership Committee just processed another round of renewals / new membership requests today and we're glad to announce that eight new members joined the Foundation as members today.

First of all I'm happy to have been accepted, thank you! I suppose it is time to introduce myself.

I usually go around under the 'bastianilso' nickname on IRC and participate mainly in GNOMEs marketing efforts at #engagement. Previously I have been contributing here and there but I'm mainly known for my efforts on the GNOME 3.12 release video. You can definitely expect more of those in the future. I try to keep status of what I'm doing on this page:


I also try to document my thoughts through this blog:

This is if you want to put a face on me (credits to Jakub Steiner for the picture):

Outside GNOME I study Medialogy in Denmark where we do all sort of fun stuff like interaction design, programming, graphics, electronics and a/v production. Soon, I hope to contribute to GNOME with these matters too.

Thank you once again! Looking forward to see many of you at GUADEC.

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