Hi Marina,

Thanks for your question!

What do you think about adopting a detailed code of conduct, similar to the
> one used for GUADEC 2014 [3], for all GNOME events and creating a similarly
> detailed code of conduct for the GNOME community?

I hold the view that the vast majority people will consciously do their
best to avoid drawing negative attention to themselves unless they feel
they have support. Ideally, we want to be able to do what we can to nurture
an atmosphere where members still feel free to express themselves, but also
recognise that this self expression will not be supported if it comes at
the direct expense of anyone else’s rights. We also want to be able to
provide a concrete means of reassuring contributors that their wellbeing
matters to us.

I would therefore advocate that the event CoC initiative employed last year
at GUADEC continue and I would also advocate taking the idea of a community
CoC forward in principle too. As regards the formal community CoC idea
specifically: I reckon it would likely need to contain some very considered
wording to ensure it’s not left too open to subjective misinterpretation
and it would probably be advisable for us to ensure we publish it along
with a clear and transparent complaints policy which outlines a) how
complaints are going to be handled, b) how long they are going to take to
be processed, c) who is specifically responsible for dealing with them and
d) what our approach to confidentiality is.

Anyway, I am really pleased you have raised a debate about this and I agree
that it is important. I hope that the idea gets a heathy concensus from the
rest of the community too, as I would be very willing to get behind it.

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