This is terrific to see. I'm sorry that I probably don't have time to help
out much, but look forward to the final result.


On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 12:49 PM Nuritzi Sanchez <> wrote:

> Dear Foundation Members,
> GNOME has never had a standard code of conduct for events. This has
> historically placed a burden on GUADEC organizers in particular, as they
> have had to draft and take responsibility for a code of conduct every year.
> This GUADEC, a group of us formed a working group to try and resolve
> this, by proposing to draw up a standard code of conduct for GNOME events.
> This effort has been endorsed by the Foundation Board of Directors and we
> are now in the process of researching codes of conduct to inform the one we
> will propose.
> *I'm writing to see if anyone else is interested in joining the Code of
> Conduct working group* and to give Foundation members information about
> how they can participate in the process.
> We will be meeting regularly (every other week) to push this project
> forward so that we prepare it in time for the 2017 GUADEC committee to
> consider, and in time to make it available during the 2018 GUADEC bid
> process. The Code of Conduct for events will be a phase one project for
> the working group, and we plan to work on the Code of Conduct for the GNOME
> community as a phase two project.
> The committee will be doing the legwork of researching and proposing the
> Code of Conduct, but Foundation members will have opportunities to give
> feedback, and ultimately the Board will vote on the proposal. Below, you
> can find more information on the proposal process itself. We've tried to
> make it an analytical process since it can otherwise be an emotionally
> charged subject.
> *If you are interested in the group's progress, but don't want to commit
> to joining the group*, you can stay updated on our progress by following
> the meeting minutes and other materials posted at
> *At this time, we encourage you to email
> <>*, or any of the committee members
> privately, with any of the following you'd like us to consider:
>    - Code of Conduct resources
>    - Details of incidents you have observed or been involved in, and
>    which are relevant
>    - Other specific feedback regarding codes of conduct
> is a private mailing list for members of
>  the code of conduct working. Alternatively, you can share your feedback
> with any working group member(s) privately, and they will provide an
> anonymized summary to the working group. You can provide further
> instructions to them on how you want your feedback to be shared.
> Information shared with the working group might be shared anonymously with
> the Board and the community unless otherwise specified (e.g. as not to be
> shared, or as ok to be shared with personal identification by all affected
> parties).
> You can also email us if you'd just like to learn more, or talk to us on
> IRC at #diversity.
> Thank you in advance!
> Sincerely,
> Nuritzi
> Code of Conduct for Events
> Overview
> *Why is this important? *
> Having a code of conduct is an essential part of holding conferences, and
> is often a sponsorship requirement. It is also important for GNOME's health
> and longevity as it will ensure that the project is welcoming and inclusive
> for both current and prospective GNOME members. While GNOME is generally
> a friendly and welcoming place (yay!), there has been a small number of
> incidents over the years where a Code of Conduct has, or should have,
> helped the community.
> Each year, organizing groups had to draft their own Code of Conduct for
> their event and there has often been disagreement that surrounded the
> adoption of a Code of Conduct for an event. Having a standard event Code of
> Conduct will remove work from the event organizers and uncertaintly for the
> community members for what to expect at the event. It will also make it
> easier to support event organizers, through standard processes and 
> theestablishment
> of a dedicated support team for Code of Conduct issues.
> We want to make sure there is a consistent standard for the GNOME
> community across the globe. As such, the Code of Conduct will need to
> highlight areas that will change across geographic locations. We also
> recognize that we need to better define what a "GNOME event" is and when
> organizers will be expected to use the standard Code of Conduct.
> *Our** Plan*
> We have assembled a Code of Conduct Working Group to gather feedback among
> community members and propose a standard event Code of Conduct. The details
> for our proposal process are below. Once the standard Code of Conduct is
> approved, this team will also provide ongoing support to event organizers
> with its enforcement.
> The Board has already approved us moving forward with this plan, so now,
> we are reaching out to Foundation members as part of the second step of the
> process.
> Plan Details
> *Deadline: *final vote by the Board by March 15th in order to propose it
> to the GUADEC 2017 organizers before CfP opens and in order to make it a
> requirement for the GUADEC 2018 bids
> *Process:*
>    1. *Input from Board:* Present the issue, process proposal, and
>    solicit initial input from the Board
>    2. *Input from Foundation members*: Present the issue and solicit
>    initial input (incidents, resources, specific considerations) from the
>    community (send an email to the Foundation List). Invite people to become
>    core and support members
>    3. *Research*: We will research code of conduct resources and Codes of
>    Conduct by other groups, understand legal implications
>    4. *First draft and Foundation input:* Draft a standard event Code of 
> Conduct
>    and share with the community for feedback
>    5. *Revise draft*: Revise the standard event Code of Conduct and
>    summarize feedback from the community, share with the Board
>    6. *Input from Board*: Feedback from the Board
>    7.
> *Revise draft  *
>    8. *Vote by the Board *
> *Initial Members of the Working Group*
>    - *Core: Expected to join all meetings and responsible for pushing the
>    project forward. *Regular meetings happen every other week on Mondays
>    at 16:00 UTC (next meeting on September 26th).
>    - Allan Day
>    - Meg Ford
>    - Nuritzi Sanchez
>    - Rosanna Yuen
>    - Marina Zhurakhinskaya
>    - *Support: Interested in participating and have specific ideas for
>    how they will be involved.*
>    - Benjamin Berg
>    - Cosimo Cecchi
>    - Federico Mena Quintero
> ............................................................
> .................
> *Nuritzi Sanchez*  |  +1.650.218.7388 |  Endless <>
> _______________________________________________
> foundation-list mailing list
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