On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 11:22 AM <philip.chime...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am also in favour of this, but I think before sending a patch that
> speaks on behalf of the Foundation you should have an explicit okay from
> the board, rather than implicitly by no objections within a day.

Neal already has something queued up.  So you should see something
shortly.  :)


> On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 2:11 AM Tobias Mueller <tobias...@gnome.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> The FSFE has launched the following campaign: https://publiccode.eu/
>> I strongly believe that it's in GNOME's interest to co-sign the
>> following open letter. I've prepared a patch to have GNOME listed as
>> supporter. I intend to send the patch in a day or so. If you think we
>> shouldn't be supporting this effort, please speak up.
>> Open Letter
>> Publicly funded software has to be Free and Open Source Software. While
>> there are plenty of good reasons for this, many politicians don’t know
>> about them yet.
>> Free Software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and
>> improve software. This right helps support other fundamental freedoms
>> like freedom of speech, press and privacy.
>> This is where you can help! Sign the open letter to give our message
>> more weight. 6505 people and 38 organisations have already signed. We
>> will hand over the letter and signatures to your representatives and
>> make sure that they understand that: Public Money? Public Code!
>>     Public Money? Public Code!
>>     Digital services offered and used by our public administrations are
>> the critical infrastructure of 21st century democratic nations. In
>> order to establish trustworthy systems, public bodies must ensure they
>> have full control over the software and the computer systems at the
>> core of our state digital infrastructure. However, right now, this is
>> rarely the case due to restrictive software licences that:
>>         Forbid sharing and exchanging publicly funded code. This
>> prevents cooperation between public administrations and hinders further
>> development.
>>         Support monopolies by hindering competition. As a result, many
>> administrations become dependent on a handful of companies.
>>         Pose a threat to the security of our digital infrastructure by
>> forbidding access to the source code. This makes fixing backdoors and
>> security holes extremely difficult, if not completely impossible.
>>     We need software that fosters the sharing of good ideas and
>> solutions. Like this we will be able to improve IT services for people
>> all over Europe. We need software that guarantees freedom of choice,
>> access, and competition. We need software that helps public
>> administrations regain full control of their critical digital
>> infrastructure, allowing them to become and remain independent from a
>> handful of companies. That is why we call our representatives to
>> support Free and Open Source Software in public administrations,
>> because:
>>         Free and Open Source Software is a modern public good that
>> allows everybody to freely use, study, share and improve applications
>> we use on a daily basis.
>>         Free and Open Source Software licences provide safeguards
>> against being locked in to services from specific companies that use
>> restrictive licences to hinder competition.
>>         Free and Open Source Software ensures that the source code is
>> accessible so that backdoors and security holes can be fixed without
>> depending on one service provider.
>>     Public bodies are financed through taxes. They must make sure they
>> spend funds in the most efficient way possible. If it is public money,
>> it should be public code as well!
>>     That is why we, the undersigned, call our representatives to:
>>     “Implement legislation requiring that publicly financed software
>> developed for public sector must be made publicly available under a
>> Free and Open Source Software licence.”
>> Cheers,
>>   Tobi
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