Hey Germán, thanks for your comments.

Germán Poo-Caamaño <g...@gnome.org> wrote:
>>  * Tile server options for Maps (Allan)
>>   * VOTE: approve $300 a month to pay Mapbox - passed unanimously
>>   * ACTION: Meg to inform Mapbox and the Maps team, cc'ing Rosanna
>> and Neil
>>    * We might want to revisit this when we set future budgets
> From outside, and setting aside the quality of the product, it is hard
> to asses whether this is a good decision or not.
> To do so, we would need to know what the recurrent income and expenses
> are. It could be monthly or yearly. If we receive more than we spend,
> then it might be a doable decision. Otherwise, we need think a better
> long term solution.

The cost will be capped at $300, which falls within the budget for the
current financial year. Ongoing expenses will be factored into our
routine financial planning, when we set the budget for each financial

>>  * Moderation of public mailing lists (Carlos)
>>   * Allan - moderators will have to play a role in policing once we
>> have a code of conduct - they are the ones who have the power to ban
>> people. A code of conduct will require some procedures and agreements
>> for how and when people get banned.
> By doing so, you will either need to recruit moderators or establish a
> mechanism that an unsubscribed moderator get the message or complain.
> What are you going to do if a core developer or a maintainer or the
> list moderator is the one misbehaving? (other than talk to them)
> In practical terms, Code of conducts are guidelines, it shows what a
> community aims; but Code of conducts are hard to enforce.

You're absolutely right that procedures and guidelines will be
required to deal with incident reports and to enforce a code of
conduct. In that sense, a code of conduct isn't just a document that
describes encouraged and prohibited behaviour, but is a framework for
dealing with behavioural problems. You're right that it's a challenge,
and there are a lot of details that will need to be worked out. One of
those details is what role list moderators will have with regards to a
code of conduct.


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