On Wed, 2018-05-02 at 10:53 +0100, Allan Day wrote:
> = Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, May 1st 2018, 18:00 UTC =
> Next meeting date Tuesday, May 8th 2018, 18:00 UTC
> == Attending ==
>  * MegFord
>  * AllanDay
>  * DidierRoche
>  * CosimoCecchi
>  * NeilMcGovern
>  * RosannaYuen
> == Regrets ==
>  * NuritziSanchez
>  * AlexandreFranke
>  * CarlosSoriano
> == Missing ==
> == Agenda ==
>  * Feedback from Travel Committee (Didier)
>    https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Board/issues/49
>  * Map tile access (Meg)
>  * OpenMindsClub (Meg)
> Deferred:
>  * Events code of conduct (Allan)
>  * Engagement Committee (Nuritzi)
>     * Vote for charter and propose members
>     * https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Board/issues/16
> == Minutes ==
>  * Feedback from Travel Committee (Didier)
>   * Didier has met with David from the travel committee, and shared
> his notes - https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Board/issues/49
>   * David is generally happy.
>   * Didier raised some points with David:
>     * Possibility of inviting specific individuals to events,
> potentially non-Foundation members. David is OK with this, but we'd
> need to decide how it will be handled in practice - who approves each
> invitation?
>      * Neil - we have done this in the past. It can come out of a
> conference budget. It doesn't necessarily have to be through the
> travel committee.
>      * Allan - how do we make this facility available to other
> Foundation members, so they can request invitations? We ought to have
> guidelines or documentation so people know that this facility is
> available.
>      * Didier - David was keen for the board to handle this - didn't
> want to be handling decisions for this.
>      * It sounds like this is up to the board to resolve.
>     * Providing an option for people to have their sponsorship paid
> prior to travel - David agreed to this in principle. He doesn't want
> to push it too hard, and it could involve additional bureaucracy for
> the committee.
>     * Allowing more intercontinental travel - for example, to allow
> more people from the US travelling to GUADEC. David's view - it's
> just
> a question of cost and budget, and people planning far enough ahead
> to
> allow this kind of travel. Seems that this is a responsibility for
> event organisers.
>     * Prices going up while waiting for sponsorship approval -
> hackfests need to be announced further in advance. David has agreed
> to
> change the wording of the policy, to make it a bit friendlier, not
> proposing policy changes at the moment though. Applications should
> get
> a response within a week. Delays often result from incomplete
> applications.
>      * Meg - sponsorship requests can open late for GUADEC. Being
> able
> to book further in advance would be good. There can also be back and
> forth with the committee if their travel suggestion is impractical.
>      * Neil - our staff travel policy provides some detail on what
> constitutes a reasonable travel option - this might be useful for the
> committee.
>      * Allan - the issue with prices going up would be reduced if
> processing times were faster. Perhaps the process could be
> streamlined, to speed things up? One option - applicants suggest a
> flight based on guidelines for what's reasonable, then the TC just
> checks it over and approves/refuses.

FWIW, processing times for events like GUADEC are not usually processed
before the talks have been accepted. They cannot, as the speakers have
preference, and budget is limited.

There is a guideline for looking for reasonable prices. In my past
experience at the TC, among all people applying few of them actually
did their homework.

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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